Monday, May 21, 2012

Goddess Perpetuations

The following is a repost that bears repeating:

 Goddess Perpetuations

   Sun, December 14, 2008 - 10:01 PM
Karen Tate, author of "Sacred Places of Goddess, 108 Destination," had the following on her blog recently. It's a quote from her latest book.

Goddess Perpetuations for Daily Living
Submitted by Karen Tate on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 4:39pm.

1. I strive to be in service rather than in power. With service comes humility and care. With power comes corruption.
2. I strive to live in harmony with Nature.
3. I strive to employ kindness and compassion as well as ethics and integrity.
4. I strive to be strong, tenacious and assertive, using force as a last resort, and then only tempered by wisdom, care, and discernment.
5. I strive to be accountable and responsible for my actions and expect the same of others.
6. I strive to not be influenced by power and greed.
7. I strive to be generous, supportive and nurturing.
8. I strive to work in partnership with others to create mutually beneficial relationships and associations.
9. I strive to perpetuate positive thoughts and practice life-affirming actions, knowing that what I put forth will return to me.
10. I strive to be aware I am a thread in the web of life, a microcosm of the macrocosm, and as such I affect others.
11. I strive for equality and human rights for all, no matter one's sexual orientation, race, religion or gender.
12. I strive to seek the beauty, joy and pleasures of life.
13. I strive to be grateful and know abundance, with no fear of scarcity.
14. I strive to know myself.
15. I strive to embrace diversity and tolerance for in Goddess' many faces, skin colors, sizes and shapes I see richness and have no fear.
16. I strive to honor all living things, including myself, and seek to harm none.
17. I strive to see the Divine in myself and all things, including the mundane.
18. I strive to recognize there is no one way to define, embrace or worship the Divine.
19. I strive to seek my own best path to the Divine.
20. I strive to be one with the Divine.

By: Rev. Karen Tate
Excerpted from Walking An Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
Endorsed by the Joseph Campbell Foundation and finalist in the National USA Best Books of 2008 in the General Spirituality Category

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